Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Mystery of Day and Night The Interior World of Covenant

 The Mystery of Day and Night 

the Interior World of Covenant 

The Mystery of Day and Night The Interior World of Covenant

"Helping God's people live a blessed life ; an enriched happy life by learning to live from within as God as their source in order to increase in a transformed life of Love and Peace within themselves through the revelation of Covenant with God." ~Sister Lara 

To read more about the description of these pages, or request a 1/1 video teaching with Sister Lara click here and view Sister Lara's calendar. 

From the personal desk of Sister Lara and journal.  This is a study companion booklet that was was written from an audio transcription from our blog.  

Unlock the mysteries of the cloud by day and the pillar of fire in order to walk in the laws of creation to understand the season of day and night. 

Today, Sister Lara shares mysteries from the Book of Exodus 13:21-22 

Read here

Exodus Chapter 13

21 And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:

22 He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.

Here, Sister Lara shares:
A Mystery of the Cloud by Day
A Mystery of the Pillar of Fire 
A Mystery of Day and Night 

Don't let the size of this booklet fool you.  The revelation is potent and life changing.

What sets the teachings out on their own is that Sister Lara teaches everything from a Covenant point of view with God.  

This booklet is designed to use the suggested stop and play prompts for personal journaling and hearing God’s Voice.  Included in the blog audio there are other suggested prompts for your personal journal, and these are fully printable. 

This booklet is available in PDF; EPUB; Kindle 

**For a printed copy please use our Tip Jar on the sidebar and reply with your request to Sister Lara at

To bless Sister Lara in her writings and labor of Love to the body of Christ for God's Glory kindly use her Paypal by clicking on our Tip Jar on the sidebar.

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