About Sister Lara


About Sister Lara 

How I Received the Message of God's Rest & Righteousness

During a year of praying in tongues the Holy Spirit taught me the topic of God's Rest and Righteousness.  

I continually prayed the same word in tongues over and as I was studying the Word of God, I saw the words I was repeating in tongues for a year in the Bible Dictionary from 2 Corinthians 5, "To wit God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself not imputing to them their trespasses but committing to them the ministry and word of reconciliation."  

The word I repeated was "Reconciliation."  There, I studied four more  years on the topic and began to put to practice what I learned.  I began to experience such free that I kept what I learned to myself and studied more on this topic.  To date, I realize that while there are many teachings in the Word of God to preach and teach that this message of Gods Rest and Righteousness is the message that God has given to me to teach and share with those whom He sends. 

Heavenly Encounter From God to Teach His Rest

In the year of 2019, in the month of October I died in my sleep and was taken by two angels to heaven before the Throne. I told the Father, "My purpose on earth is done as I cared for my aging parent over 20 years." The Father said, "Would you like to stay in your home here in heaven or return to the earth?" I told the Father, "I will return to earth because Your people do not know Your Rest and Righteousness." The Father replied, "Well done Daughter."

There, the same two angels that took me to heaven took me back to the place my body laid and I was awakened. My purpose on earth is done, yet--I desire to share only one message, "God's Rest and Righteousness" until the Lord calls me Home again.

Thank you for visiting today, 
Sister Lara 

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