Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Where Two or More Agree

 Where Two or More Agree

I was having some quiet time in God's presence when I was given a revelation of what Jesus said in Matthew 18:19,20 , “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

All the sudden I had a revelation of the kingdom of heaven within me, from the blueprint of Covenant.  As I began to write about this revelation in my personal journal I found myself thirty-five pages later in awe to be at the end of a pen listening and writing.  

I never knew such precious Truths could be discovered from Scriptures I read so many times before, from the view point of Covenant.  So, when you read the Title, "Where Two or More Agree" I learned I was always external and never experienced these precious words of Truth internally.  

So, these are a few thoughts I learned from these writings. 

As I wrote from my pen the thoughts the Holy Spirit was giving me I gave them chapter headings.  
Did you know the word ask is not the word prayer, but desire?  Here, I share an unusual revelation of the Father's Love, and the work of the Holy Spirit in response to do what we desire.  As you look at the Headings here there is no way possible to explain what is written in the pages that will leave you in awe. 
So, don't let the page count catch you off guard in these writings.  They are full of Union Gems of Covenant.  I wrote these pages using Google Docs with the Google Docs Details and Word Count.  
I also published these in Amazon if you want a paperback, and Kindle.  Both of these have a world wide ISBN so it can be purchased at any Bookstore.  However, if you subscribe by email to the website this is always free. 
This was my first book I wrote on the label of School of Prayer from Sister Lara's Global E-Books.  If you do not want to follow this blog and subscribe by email to our website you can always kindly get a digital copy from this website using the Paypal button  to remain anonymous, to give a suggested amount for writing, formatting, publishing.  
If you have any prayer requests you can use our prayer form or leave your prayer request in the comment section of this post. 
I look forward to hearing from you.  
Thanks for visiting us today, 
Steal Away in the Secret Place, 
Sister Lara 

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