Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Basics of Faith A Covenant View Sabbath Studies Volume 1

 The Basics of Faith 

A Covenant View Sabbath Studies 

Volume 1

**The audio link to listen and read, is also inside this booklet.

Topic: Many people desire to grow in faith and for that reason I share with you the basics of faith today.  As you use this study companion booklet you will discover that "Faith is not what you take, or claim, but the acknowledgement of how you are already joined to Faith because of being born of Covenant."  

Outline Chapters | Acknowledgements; Contents; About; Hello Everyone; Where is Faith? ; Faith is Not What You Take; God Made Alive in You; Three Types of Faith (A Covenant View); What is Faith?; The Whole Bible is Already in Us; Preparing a Place; Steps of Faith to Apply; Three Ways to Understand the Voice of the God-Head; 

**All revelations are copy-cat free, fresh from the Holy Spirit

Document Details 

Suggested Printing 

8 1/2 x 5.5 1/2
Ink-Black and White 
Font Size-12 
Line Space-1.15
Kincaid Reading Level -6th Grade 

Word Count and More 

Pages 30
Characters -25,105 
Characters excluding spaces 22352 

Made in Google Docs
Available in PDF, EPUB 

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Paperback upon request

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Steal Away Behind the Veil of Jesus, Today!.  

"Living Life Behind the Veil of Jesus is Living Life reconciled back unto the Father through the Sacrifices of Covenant of the Body of Jesus, made alive by the Holy Spirit."

Come, Let us Renew the Kingdom Today! 

Increasing in Covenant with you in 2024,
Sister Lara

If you have any questions, please respond by the comment section of this post below.

1 comment:

  1. The Basics of Faith A Covenant View Sabbath Studies Volume 1. Iam requesting for the mentioned booklet. I would like to learn more about the foundation of faith


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